Our Purpose
April 1, 2022 2023-08-01 8:09Our Purpose
Our Aim
The college aims to develop in each student a sense of responsibility toward the church global as well as the church local in which the student serves. A missionary vision for the lost throughout the world is prayerfully encouraged as expressed by the school motto, “Holding Forth the Word of Life” from Philippians 2:16.
Our Goals
The goals of Durban Bible College are tri-dimensional: HEAD: the Academic (know)HEART: the Character (be) HANDS: the Ministry (do)
Our Purpose
The purpose of this institution is to serve Christ by preparing men and women to do the work of evangelism and to edify and equip believers by proclaiming and applying God’s Word in the power of
the Holy Spirit.
Academic Objectives (Knowledge – HEAD)
- To gain knowledge of the contents of the Bible.
- To gain skill in exegeting the Scriptures.
- To gain knowledge of biblically-based systematic theology and biblical theology and to develop skills in thinking theologically.
- To gain an awareness of contemporary moral and ethical issues and problems and how the Bible relates to them.
- To gain knowledge of the biblical basis for pastoral, educational, and missionary ministries and develop skills in these areas.
- To develop the skill of communicating the Bible in expositional preaching and teaching.
Spiritual Objectives (Christlike Character – HEART)
- To grow in personal fellowship and loving oneness with God.
- To develop a firm commitment to the final authority and inerrancy of the Bible.
- To develop habits of faith and obedience and faithful participation in church life.
- To develop compassion for the lost and a firm commitment to worldwide evangelization.
- To develop in our students a thirst for continued learning.
Ministry Goals (Practical Skills – HANDS)
- To develop interpersonal, communicative, and leadership skills essential for effective ministry.
- To develop a burden for the spiritual needs of the world.
- To develop ways and means to minister to the whole man made in the image of God.
- To develop and use one’s spiritual gifts for effective service to Christ, the church, and the world.
- To be able to apply biblical principles concerning the responsibility of the Christian to promote justice and mercy in society with an informed concern in such areas as social ethics, government, social change, and contemporary public affairs.